Musings of the Insanely Normal
A place where those exceptional and rare individuals dare to challenge the mundane and obsequious hoard overrunning our world and exclaim "What the F*&K?"

Insanely Normal vs. Normally Insane Part 2

On the flip side, Insanely Normal people are those who find a way to exist in the world without warping their sense of identity. They show restraint when necessary but they do not sacrifice honesty for required deception. They are true to themselves to the extent that, when they do or say something that totally boggles the mind in its political incorrectness, it is nevertheless indisputable in its truth. They are who they are and don't fear asking the obvious question or pointing out the simple absurdities of a situation or phrase simply because it isn't proper to do so. They scoff at the allegedly well bred and sneer with disdain at the professionally pressed. The best of them become stand up comics. The rest just throw great parties. They are the socially subversive who spend their lives realizing that humanity is a cosmic joke and that the Earth is the Universe's Comedy Central.

This page is my homage to my IN Crowd who far too often go ignored and when they are not being ignored they are being shunned as the destructors of the delusion of normalcy that human beings struggle so viciously to maintain. God bless you all and welcome to my dementia.

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