Musings of the Insanely Normal
A place where those exceptional and rare individuals dare to challenge the mundane and obsequious hoard overrunning our world and exclaim "What the F*&K?"

It's a Wonderful Day in the Internment Camp!

As I shuffle off in servitude to my cell where I will be caged and shackled like all beasts of burden to a desk, a phone and a tragically monitored computer, I ponder what monumental sins I must have committed in my lifetime to warrant such a sentence in purgatory. Considering that I haven't seen the inside of a church in about 3 years (and even then I was emitting a slightly smoky and ozone scented haze), there is a lot I must account for and maybe I have it coming. It would take days for me to repent the last three years and priests working in round the clock shifts to hear it all. God would most likely stop me after the first 36 hours and say "Okay, okay you're forgiven, just go willya. I have 6 billion other people to put up with!"

All humor and penance aside, I am beginning to wonder if our country as a whole isn't doing some kind of penance for it's sins. I spend each day watching the unethical and morally bankrupt prosper at the expense of those of lesser means and feel physically and spiritually stained for having to be a part of it for money. I never realized the depths of indifference and uncaring a human being could descend for nothing more than greed. I suppose I could do what I am sure many of you out there do; tell yourself that it's just a job and you're only doing what you're told by those in charge. Hey, we all have to survive by whatever means these days and many of us have families and others that depend on us, so we do what we must do. But somehow this seems too much like selling a piece of your soul and your humanity. How do you get it back?

Does anyone remember the glory days when pride in product was the root of every cliche spoken in this country? "Quality is Job One", "We Bring Good Things to Life", "Made in America", "Your in Good Hands". You couldn't walk 5 feet without hearing a call to pride on some airwave somewhere. I have in the past worked for some wonderful employers who take pride in their product and what their name represents. It felt terrific to be a part of their team because we started each day knowing that our contributions were valuable and ended them knowing our hard work appreciated. I will always treasure those employers who knew the value of self worth and never let you feel as if you were insignificant or just another business expense. But now I seem to be surrounded by cutthroat, ruthless companies grinding everyone and every resource into the dirt because the economy no longer has room for those who truly care. Their quality drops, their customer service goes out the window (or to India where there are 5,000 service reps all named "Bob" waiting to help you), and consumers and customers are left feeling cheated and abused. The only things I hear on airwaves these days is how some greedy executive, or financial corporation got away with raping the American people under the watchful eyes of our elected officials and that our taxes were going up.

Is there anyone out there left who works for a company and can still say it with pride? Chime in people and let the world know who the great ones that still endure are who to avoid like the plague!

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